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What do you see when you look at me..
Is it only hair and skin and bone and clothes
Is it religion, money, the illusion we chose?

Can you see INSIDE of me…
The lessons, the hurts, the pain I’ve felt?
Or DO YOU SEE THAT part that burns within so bright…
Revealing my truth, exposing my light.

I NOW crack my shell and open wide
To reveal all that I am inside.
I am stardust and pure aquamarine light.
I am lightworker, guide & healer with sight.

I do not pretend to know better than you.
I am just doing my part to vibrate with light
To hold the space until you are able to take flight. 

What do you see when you look at me?
I hope you can see that finally I am free.
A starlit soul vibrating light from my source,
A reflection of your true essence awaiting your choice.

Be at peace knowing all is well.
For in truth it is time for ALL to release their shell
Shining your LIGHT and remembering your SIGHT.
It’s time dear ones to finally take flight.

What do you see when you look at me?
Tamra Dorsey 2018 - Lightworker & Wayshower 




Tamra Dorsey

T: 902-308-6600

Sending you Love & Light!

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